Sunday, June 28, 2009

SUNDAY? please.

so sunday used to be my most favorite day of the week. oh how that has changed. I have decided that i almost hate it. i have no desire to do the uplifting things that i once participated in and find myself feeling even more gloomy. i know if i just went to church and pretended to be happy it all come into place, but really the fool that tells you to "fake it 'til you make it" has never had to fake it. faking it brings even more a sense of helplessness and hopelessness than was there when a person just accepts the fact that maybe this is the way that life is supposed to be. i don't know i could be wrong, but that is how i feel. i will never try to tell someone that it really isn't as bad as we all know it is again in hopes that it will fool the poor soul who wants out of their horrible situation. IT ALWAYS IS AS BAD AS WE THINK. and yes don't get me wrong i know that it could be a million times worse so i am thankful that its only as bad as it is and i don't live someone's life who is unlucky enough to less fortunate than i am at the moment. I know things will get better... but when. I am impatient and don't like the guessing game. so please don't keep me guessing.- A


bradleyjohn said...

you probably need to hang out with me more.

Anonymous said...

fake it till you make is the biggest bunch of lameness.

sometimes it's not okay and it's okay to not be okay. and people who can't handle that aren't people i particularly enjoy being aroud. trust me, i've cried enough times all over the place in church over any and everything.

come play with me soon! i get bored at night.

indeazgirl said...

Sometimes a day at church doesn't make you happy, but it can make you feel just a little more balanced than the day before....